MacHack 1996
MacHack 1996.toast
Presentations ’94
Timothy Knox
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{••• A simple Constraint solver: Uses a "Backtrack" algorithm •••}
{ To use it: simply open one of the example files in this folder
and call the function (c) w/o any argument, answer questions }
{The main func: an environment, var list, domain list, constraint list}
(define (try env lv ld lc)
(cond (null? lv)'()
(let [(ne (maj env (0 lv) (0(0 ld))))]
(cond (tlc (0 lc) ne)
(begin (printsol ne lv lc)
(try ne (-1 lv) (-1 ld) (-1 lc))))
(cond (cons? (-1(0 ld)))
(try env lv (cons (-1 (0 ld)) (-1 ld)) lc)))))
;---- copy and upadte an env.
(define (maj env var val)
(binding=! var (bcopy env) val))
;---- check is all constraints are satisfied in the env
(define (tlc lc env)
(cond (null? lc) †
(eval (0 lc) env) (tlc (-1 lc) env)))
;---- prints the solution, if any
(define (printsol env lv lc)
(cond (null? (-1 lv)) (begin (prinio "Solution:" stder)
(prinio env stder)
(prinio "
" stder)
(flushio stder))))
;---- I/F user
(define (c)
(let [(lv (begin (prin "Variables list: ") (flushio stdo)(read)))
(lc (begin (prin "Constraints list:")(flushio stdo)(read)))
(ld (begin (prin "Domains list: ") (flushio stdo)(read)))]
(try (apply makeenv lv) lv ld (créelvc lv (process lc lv) '()))))
;---- seek o in s (deep search)
(define (findall o s)
(cond (eq? o s) †
(not (cons? s)) ƒ
(findall o (0 s)) †
(findall o (-1 s))))
;---- extract variables constrained by the constraints
;---- returns a list of conses (lv | cont)
(define (process lc lv)
(cond (null? lc) ()
(cons (cons (extract (0 lc) lv '()) (0 lc))
(process (-1 lc) lv))))
(define (extract c lv bag)
(cond (null? lv) bag
(findall (0 lv) c) (extract c (-1 lv) (cons (0 lv) bag))
(extract c (-1 lv) bag)))
;---- is in
(define (isinq el l)
(cond (null? l) ƒ
(eq? el (0 l)) †
(isinq el (-1 l))))
;---- is included
(define (isincluded e1 e2)
(cond (null? e1) †
(isinq (0 e1) e2) (isincluded (-1 e1) e2)))
;---- built the list var constraints
(define (créelvc lv lc b0)
(cond (null? lv) '()
(let [(x (trclv (0 lv) lc (cons (0 lv) b0) '() '()))]
(cons (-1 x)
(créelvc (-1 lv) (0 x) (cons (0 lv) b0))))))
(define (trclv v nlc e b1 b2)
(cond (null? nlc) (cons b2 b1)
(isincluded (0(0 nlc)) e) (trclv v (-1 nlc) e (cons (-1(0 nlc)) b1) b2)
(trclv v (-1 nlc) e b1 (cons (0 nlc) b2))))
;---- application of a binary op. to each couple in lv
(define (genbin sym lv)
(cond (null? lv) ()
(append (mapcar1 (lambda(x) (list sym (0 lv) x)) (-1 lv))
(genbin (-1 lv)))))
(define (mapcar1 f l)
(cond (null? l)()
(cons (f (0 l))
(mapcar1 f (-1 l)))))
;---- Propositionnal Logic
(define (ou a b)
(cond (=? a 0) b 1))
(define (non a)
(cond (=? a 0) 1 0))
(define (et a b)
(cond (=? a 0) 0 b))
(define (implique a b)
(cond (=? a 0) 1 b))
(define (vrai? a)
(=? a 1))
(define (faux? a)
(=? a 0))